Overview of the Market

As of 2024, the market for Real World Assets (RWA) lending protocols in Web3 has grown significantly, with a total value locked (TVL) exceeding $42.8 billion and a cumulative loan volume of over $29.2 billion. This market includes various assets such as real estate, treasury bonds, commodities, and corporate debts.

DeFi Protocols TVL Total Loan Volume Revenue Streams Profit Distributions
AAVE $20bn $12bn Interest Fees
Flash Loan Fees
Protocol Fees Liquidity Providers - 85-90%
Protocol Treasury - 10-15%
Compound $12bn $8bn Interest Fees Liquidity Providers - 85-90%
Protocol Treasury - 10%
MakerDAO $7bn $5bn Stability Fees Liquidation Fees Protocol Treasury - 100%
RWA Protocols
Maple Finance $500m $400m Interest Payments
Origination Fees Liquidity Providers - 80%
Protocol Treasury - 20%
Centrifuge $500m $400m Asset Origination Fees
Transaction Fees Liquidity Providers - 85%
Protocol Treasury - 15%
GoldFinch $300m $200m Interest Payments
Service Fees Liquidity Providers - 80%
Protocol Treasury - 20%
Clearpool $150m $350m Interest Payments
Borrowing Fees
Protocol Fees Liquidity Providers - 80-85%
Protocol Treasury - 15-20%
TrueFi $160m $1.7bn Interest Payments
Loan Origination Fees
Liquidity Providers - 85%
Stakers - 10%
Protocol Treasury - 5%
Credix $20m $150m Interest Payments
Transaction Fees
Service Fees Liquidity Providers - 85%
Protocol Treasury - 15%

Combined Market Metrics

Total Value Locked (TVL): $42.8 billion

Total Loan Volume: $29.2 billion

Revenue Streams and Earnings Models

  1. Interest Rates on Loans

• Average borrower interest rate: 14-20% per annum.

• Protocol commission: 1-2% of the interest rate.

  1. Management Fees

• Management fees: 0.5-1% of the total assets under management (AUM).

  1. Pool Delegate Fees

• Pool delegates receive the majority of the management fees (70-80%).